Grade 10 | Lesson 4

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Social Sciences

Lesson Overview





The Social Sciences include much more than just history! One of these sub-subjects is geography, which you will also be engaged with during this academic year. Geography affects all of the social sciences and is essential to weaving a strong narrative of historical events.

Where is it? The geography theme of location answers this question about a country, state, city; river, mountain, or any place on Earth. Places have absolute and relative locations. Absolute location is one exact spot on Earth. Relative location tells where a place is compared with one or more other places.

What makes this point or area on Earth special, or different from all others? The geography theme of place gives us the answer. It describes physical characteristics, such as landforms, climate, and plant or animal life. Place also tells about people in the area and how they work with the physical environment.

How do people in one area relate to people in other areas? Geographers answer this question with the theme of movement. People, ideas, goods, and information move from place to place. In this way, people stay in contact with others in their own country and in different parts of the world.

Human/Environment Interaction
How does the relationship between people and their natural surroundings influence the way they live?  This is the question that the geography theme of human/environment interaction answers. The theme includes how people use the environment and how their actions affect the environment. It also describes how the environment influences.
What common characteristics does a certain area share? The answer to this question deals with the theme of region. An area can be called a region because it has the same climate, landforms, or other physical features throughout. Common human traits, such as language, religion, or government, can also form a region.


Research It!
What are the other social sciences? Consider how they overlap and are intertwined?